Instead, this gaggle of leading financiers called for a new reserve currency, akin style gold standard.
相反, 这群重要的金融家呼吁设立一种类似于传统金本位的新的储备货币.
——期刊摘选First, the reserve - currency status of the dollar helped to create global imbalances.
首先, 美元的储备货币地位导致了全球失衡.
互联网The dollar the most liquid of these hard currencies and so the reserve currency of choice.
互联网Traditionally, empires that hold the global reserve currency are also net foreign creditors and net lenders.
从传统意义上来说, 持有全球储备货币的帝国同时也是净债权国和净出借者.
互联网Great power shifts are usually accompanied by changes in the international reserve currency.
互联网We have reaped significant financial benefits from having the dollar as the reserve currency.
互联网Stiglitz advocated shifting away from using the dollar as the dominant global reserve currency.
互联网The dollar's role as the pre - eminent reserve currency is not at issue.
互联网S. I think the dollar remains the world dollar dominant reserve currency.
互联网New global economic trends are changing the costs and benefits of having a reserve currency.
互联网Such an action alone could lead to a run on the world's reserve currency.
互联网The world needs a sounder and more stable reserve currency, but is a long wait.
而造成这一现状的根本原因,是我们不再有价值稳定 、 数量充足和易交易的储备.
互联网Similarly, today the dollar overvalued and used as the reserve currency of the world.
类似的, 今天美元被高估,被用作世界的储备货币.
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